Sunday, January 4, 2009

Social Bookmarking 101

Have you ever bookmarked something as a "Favorite" on your home computer and then wanted to access it on your computer at school? Well, that used to happen to me all the time. (I just used to email myself links) Now, through the use of social bookmarking sites, you can store all your "favorites" in one location - online!

Plus, social bookmarking sites allow you to "tag" your links with multiple keywords for easy searching. For example, this game I found online could be tagged with: Spending Spree, money, smartboard, math. This way, I can find the same website under all 4 of these keywords. Cool, huh?

Plus, you can share your bookmarks with your friends, view others' bookmarks, as well as create groups for even more sharing.

Ok, check out this video explaining (way better than I have!!) the basics of Social Bookmarking. You can also find it on the right side of this blog, under "Videos".

I've used two sites for my bookmarking. I used to have Delicious and have now switched to Diigo. They're both excellent sites! But, I just decided to try something new. Here's info on the difference between Delicious and Diigo. Check out my diigo page. Alright, get your bookmarking site set up and let's share! :)

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